Showing results for tag "adventure"

Congo Fever

Doug Casey’s friend recounts part of a recent adventure in the Congo.

Who Is the Most Sophisticated Traveler?

The majority of travelers I have met see foreign lands entirely through the filter glasses of their home front.

The World is Your Oyster

How internationalizing your life today can lead to greater freedom and happiness tomorrow.

Where Should I Go?

One of the questions I’m most often asked is, “I’ve decided to get out of my home country before it’s too late. Which countries are the best ones to go to?” Unfortunately, answering this question is akin to answering, “What’s the best place in town for me to have lunch?” The question is too broad […]

Doug Casey on the USA: Fight, or Flight?

An Interview with Doug Casey and Joel Bowman Joel Bowman: When we left off last, I think you and I were talking about burning one’s passport, which seems like a natural enough subject for a couple of anti-statists to address. While we’re on the topic, I can’t help but notice that the number of U.S. […]

Perspectives from the RV’ing PT

No matter how you do it, living the PT life means a lot of travel. That usually means planes, trains, automobiles or a combination of the three. Or, you could try something a little different – RVing.

Perspectives from the RV’ing PT

No matter how you do it, living the PT life means a lot of travel. That usually means planes, trains, automobiles or a combination of the three. Or, you could try something a little different – RVing.

Someone actually took Doug’s advice!

Many of our readers will know that best-selling author and renowned speculator Doug Casey inspired this project (in fact, it’s based on his International Man book by the same name first published in the late 70s). Doug was one of the earliest modern advocates of internationalization – both as a way to generate wealth but also to enjoy a more interesting life. It’s a point he has made many times over the years whenever someone complains that there aren’t enough opportunities around him. It’s a lesson that especially applies to young people as they are in the unique position of having limited connections or commitments at home.