Showing results for tag "police-state"

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During decline, throughout history, a series of policies is invariably undertaken to save those in government. These policies are always at the expense of the populace.

Boiling the Frog

It is almost as if Orwell’s 1984 had been used as a guide in creating the new USA.

Defining Liberty

The level of governmental dominance now exists to such a degree that literally everyone is a criminal, whether they know it or not.

The More Corrupt the State, the More Numerous the Laws

It’s crucial for your personal freedom to know the difference between committing a real crime and breaking the law.

How Fascism Comes to America

It’s most unfortunate, but the U.S. and its allies will turn into authoritarian police states. Even more than they are today.

Why the Police Must Be Removed from the Equation

In America, no one likes the police… not really.

From Williamsburg to Athens

Roughly half the population of the US has become convinced that only the authorities should be allowed to bear arms.

Doug Casey’s REAL State of the Union – The 4th Amendment

How secure are you in your person, house, papers and effects? The 4th Amendment is on the table in today’s REAL State of the Union.

Citizenship as a Weapon: Travel Controls and What You Can Do About It

Are you in danger of facing travel controls? What if your government suddenly revoked your passport? And what can you do about it?

First, Secure the Borders

With an impending 7000 person migrant caravan heading toward the US southern border, you may think you know what Jeff’s article is about. But think again.

Doug Casey: The War on Some Drugs

The only answer to the War on Drugs is a repeal of prohibition.

Doug Casey on What Happens After the Next 9/11

Exactly when are we going to go over the edge?

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